Fast and Effective With your medical professional by your side every step of the way, the iLUX® MGD treatment device incorporates the innovative Smart Tip Patient Interface to deliver treatment directly to the blocked meibomian glands. Provide real time feedback as they administer therapeutic heat and then express the oil. Now that the glands are unblocked, it will be easier for the oil to be released naturally.

Real Dry Eye Relief The iLUX® device was shown to significantly reduce dry eye symptoms such as gritty eyes and irritation. In a clinical study, patients’ meibomian gland scores were three times better at two weeks post-treatment and four times better at four weeks, compared to baseline.

Treatment Process

Once treatment begins, it takes approximately 8–12 minutes for both eyes

  1. Your medical professional assesses your eyelids to determine the treatment zones.
  2. Your eyelid is held between the soft, biocompatible pads of the iLUX® device Smart Tip Patient Interface. For comfort, you may keep your eyes closed.
  3. Therapeutic, light-based heat will begin to warm the blocked glands to a safe temperature to help soften and release the oil. The meibum melts and your doctor has the ability to apply additional heat or pressure dependent on your needs.
  4. Through compression, the oil is expressed from the glands and treatment is complete.

The iLUX® Device is used to warm and compress glands in the eyelids of adult patients with a specific type of dry eye, called Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), also known as evaporative dry eye. Potential side effects may include eyelid/eye pain requiring stopping the treatment procedure, eyelid/eye irritation or inflammation, temporary reddening of the skin, and other eye symptoms (burning, stinging, tearing, itching, discharge, redness, feeling like there is something in the eye, changes in your vision, sensitivity to light). Ask your eye care professional for a complete list of safety information for the iLUX® Device.

 What to expect from your iLUX® Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) treatment

Blocked meibomian glands in eyelids are a leading cause of dry eye. iLUX® is an in-office treatment which allows your eyecare professional to unblock the glands by applying heat and then pressure to your upper and lower eyelids.